Achieving Weight Loss and Wellness
Weight-related conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes (insulin resistance), metabolic syndromes, obesity, weight loss resistance, and low energy are all linked by an underlying disrupted biochemical balance. Alarming statistics reveal the prevalence of these issues, with the CDC reporting that one in three people is at risk of developing diabetes, including a concerning number of children. A Yale study underscores this concern, revealing that nearly a quarter of children aged 4 to 18 already exhibit signs of pre-diabetes.
Metabolic disorders, like diabetes, can stem from a variety of factors, including:
Poor Nutrition and Dietary Habits
Insufficient Appropriate Physical Activity
Chronic Stress Left Unaddressed
Inadequate Sleep Patterns
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Exposure to Environmental Toxins
Food Allergies
Endocrine and Hormonal Dysfunction (specifically, the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis)
Dr. Jared Anderson sees weight loss and metabolic disorders as interconnected challenges. The good news is that these conditions are often preventable and, in many cases, reversible.
Dr. Anderson and the Healing by Design system employs Functional Medicine and other advanced diagnostics to delve into the root causes of metabolic disorders and weight management challenges. If you're seeking a personalized approach to address these issues, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Anderson to explore whether Functional Medicine is the right path for your wellness journey.